Yesterday the whole campus received news suddenly in the afternoon that we had to leave the college for the threat of the coronavirus. Everyone dealt with it in different ways. There was massive partying last night, where people were incredibly drunk. I was sadder than I expected. Reading Psalm 69 this morning I felt the distress of the psalmist. However, then I realized that it was Jesus speaking through the psalm. “Zeal for thy house hath consumed me,” and “they gave me vinegar to drink.” I was moved to tears by how close our God, the Light from Light, is to our humanity.
Prayer Journal, March 13, 2020
Read previous offerings
“If you give me anything, let me love Jesus.”
“I am your servant” — painting the Baptism of Christ
Help me to withhold nothing (“Teach me to be a great saint”)
Ready to receive you (an Advent prayer)
“An intense desire.” A longing to depart from this fallen world.
“Why are you afraid?” Isaac’s final journal entry
“Moved to tears: the meaning behind Isaac’s gravestone”
“The reward of distracted prayer” (November 27th)
“The end of all beauties” (November 21s
“Memento mori” (November 18th)
“Root out my sin” (November 15th)
“Let me suffer” (November 12th)
Why the title? About the Offerings of Isaac