O God, my Lord Jesus Christ, you came down from your great, heavenly state and humbled yourself to come into our human estate. Give to me, O God, great humility that I may be ready to receive you. Help me to empty my mind and heart of all vain and worldly thoughts. hopes, and fears so that you may fill and bless my mind, that my faith will be kindled anew, and that I may love you with a constant fire, greater than ever before.
Prayer Journal, December 22nd, 2014
Isaac created this icon of the Sacred Heart of Jesus as a gift to his parents around the time that he wrote the above journal entry. He created it with a blunt wood burning pen that he got when he was much younger. It was made for the kind of rough lettering that he put on the back (see below). How he finessed it to create this image is still beyond me.
The collect for the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus: O God, who hast suffered the heart of thy Son to be wounded for our sins, and in that Heart has bestowed on us the abundant riches of thy love: grant we beseech thee; that the devout homage of our hearts which we render unto him, may of thy mercy be deemed a recompense acceptable in thy sight; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, ever one God, world without end, Amen. From Divine Worship: The Missal.
Read previous offerings
The permanence of God’s beauty
Journal entries written on hearts
“If you give me anything, let me love Jesus.”
“I am your servant” — painting the Baptism of Christ
Help me to withhold nothing (“Teach me to be a great saint”)
Ready to receive you (an Advent prayer)
“An intense desire.” A longing to depart from this fallen world.
“Why are you afraid?” Isaac’s final journal entry
“Moved to tears: the meaning behind Isaac’s gravestone”
“The reward of distracted prayer” (November 27th)
“The end of all beauties” (November 21s
“Memento mori” (November 18th)
“Root out my sin” (November 15th)
“Let me suffer” (November 12th)
Why the title? About the Offerings of Isaac
Insight into a son through a Prayer Journal